
Our Little Man

Posted by AJ Huffman |

My how the months have flown. Seems like only yesterday that Drew was a new born. Now he's almost nineteen months old, running around the house and trying to repeat everything you say and do. Sometimes I miss the quiteness of him as a newborn, but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Finally got his eighteen month pictures in from JC Penny's, they turned out great. We even got some family pictures made while we where there. I put one of the family pictures up on the sidebar to your right.

Drew is feeling 100% better and is over the strep. His rash is gone but he still acts like he's itching every now and again. So I don't know what's up with that.

Amy is going to a conference Monday through Wednesday of next week so Drew and I will be bachin it. I'm sure we'll be alright, even though there is some doubt from un-named family members. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on our adventures without Mom.


Anonymous said...

what a handsome little guy! wish i could meet him! glad he's feeling better :)
