
Week Two: Biggest Loser Challenge Weigh-In

Posted by AJ Huffman |

02/03/09 Weigh In

A.J.: Start Weight = 335 lbs
Last week = 332 lbs
This week = 328 lbs
Weight lost this week = 4 lbs
Total weight lost = 7 lbs

Tracy: Start Weight = 293 lbs
Last week = 290 lbs
This week = 290 lbs
Weight lost this week = 0 lbs
Total weight lost = 3 lbs

Well this week, I did OK. Had a birthday party to attend Saturday, and ate at Cracker Barrel with Mom. And then Sunday was the Super Bowl, and the "party" with the Sunday School class. But all in all it wasn't too bad. Started walking / jogging on the track with some friends this week. A certain someone who will remain nameless turns into Jillian from the Biggest Loser and wants me to lose double digits this week. We shall see. But ever since I've started trying to lose weight at the beginning of the year, I've lost a total of 14 pounds.

Still waiting on Tracy to text me his weight for this week. He said he didn't do to good this week, so he's afraid to weigh. So if you see him tell him to send me his weight so I can keep up with it.

Tracy finally weighed in and he broke even, with no weight lose. At least he didn't gain any.


ash said...

um yes you are losing double digits this week!!! jogging and some extra is going to help you!!! so get ready for some PAIN!!!

Rosjuane said...

Oh Good job!! And I don't think double digits is good for you at all!! I think you should loose it like you are you will be more sucessfull!!

Rhonda said...

You're definitely moving in the right direction!! Keep it up!

ash said...

sorry Ro!!! im just pickin on AJ!!! lol oh yea aj blue track after uth!! see ya there....no drew so no excuses on not joggin!!!

The Huffman's said...

Good job! Thanks for bringing Drew to Blake's party. They had fun playing!

Shelley said...

woooooooooohooooooooooo! good job brotha AJ~
