
Christmas Day 2008

Posted by AJ Huffman |

Christmas morning I woke up and headed to Amy's house to see what Drew had gotten from Santa.  He was so excited about all the stuff he got, but he loved the Hot Wheel's Flaming Ball of Death (not the actual name, but I think it fits) that he got.  He had seen the commercial on TV and has been asking for it for the past few weeks.   I took a few pictures and watched a DVD with him and headed home.

My Mom and Dad then came over and brought their final Christmas gift for Drew.  They bought him a new twin bed and Cars sheets, bed spread, pillows, and wall stickers for his room at my apartment.  We set it up in his room, and later on that evening I went to pick him up.  Mom and Dad met me at the apartment cause I wanted them to see his reaction.  And boy did he ever give us a reaction, he loved his new bed with Cars on it.  Mom and Dad stayed a while and played with Drew then headed home.  I told Drew he had to go to sleep in his new bed, cause Santa had emailed me and said he accidentally left some of Drew's presents in his sleigh.  And that he was coming by tonight to deliver.  So needless to say off to bed he went.  I'll do another post on the day after Christmas morning.  Below are a few pictures of Drew and his new bed. (just click on the picture for a larger view)


RADstitches said...

I think that is a great idea.. Santa forgot to drop off some of your things.. IF it makes you feel any better that is how I grew up and I turned out ok! Can't wait to see what all he got!

Lou Arnold said...

Looks like he loves the bed. I love the last one where he is wearing his sunglasses and driving his car.
