
Brand New Look!

Posted by AJ Huffman |

After lurking for quite some time over at Jeff's Blog I have decided that my blog needed a new look. At first I just went with one of the templates that blogger.com had already set up, but the graphic designer in me wanted more punch, more pazsaz. So I went to google and searched for blog templates and found this one on the Gecko and Fly blog. The template was created by Andreas Viklund, and I think it fit my blog just right. I even took another cue from Jeff and created a new title image for my blog, complete with a name for my blog, Everyday Life. And you must admit if you've been to Jeff's blog and seen him standing in the middle of the trail with his arms folded, my big mug staring at ya is a much better image (ok you can stop laughing now). And that's exactly what I want this to be, a journal so to speak of what's going on in the everyday life of me and my family. So please take some time and leave a comment or two on what you think about the new look. And I promise I'll try and come by your blog (if you have one) and not be such a lurker. You know I might even take another page out of Jeff's book and sent one of those Shamless Blog Promotion emails.


Taylor said...

Hey A.J. it is definitely a small world. I didn't see your blog before but I like the look you have now. As for taking advise from Jeff...well...good luck with that one.

Anonymous said...

Taylor, Every once in a blue moon Jeff has a good idea or two. But thanks for the luck anyways.
