Do you really know how powerful prayer is? I mean of course we all would like to think we do, but do we really know? Webster’s Dictionary defines prayer as “an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought”. It’s not enough to know about God, to know that He exists. Having a close relationship with Him makes all the difference in your life. When you are a child of God, He hears your prayers. Basically prayer is communication with God. Have you ever sat down and really thought about that? When you pray you are talking to God himself, the same God that created the universe, the same God that spoke to Moses through the burning bush, the same God that, was, is, and always will be. How awesome is that? How awesome to think that God would even take the time to listen to us. In Jeremiah 29:12 it tells us just that “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you.” It’s a very comforting feeling to know that God hears me when I pray. And even more so that he cares enough for me to listen and help me out, even though I do not deserve it.
These past few months I have been seeking the face of the Lord through prayer. I can honestly say I’ve prayed more these past few months that I have my entire life. I think the Lord has used the situations in my past to bring me closer to him. And the only way I can get closer to him is by talking to him. He has put on my heart, the want to, to go and pray. When I wake up in the morning I thank the Lord for another day of life and I try to continue to be in constant communication with him throughout the day. In 1st Thessalonians 5:17 it simply states “Pray without ceasing”. Three simple little words, that when put together means so much. God wants to communicate with his children, He wants us to come to Him with our concerns, and also with our praise. James 4:8 says “Come close to God, and God will come close to you”.
As I was studying about prayer and looking up verses, I began to see how much Jesus prayed. One would think that God’s own Son was the one person who didn’t need to carve out time alone to connect with God and make his requests know. After all Jesus and God are one, right? But the Bible clearly states that Jesus prayed. “After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray” Matthew 14:23. “Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” Mark 1:35.
If Jesus needed prayer, what should that say to us? We need to daily declare our dependence on Him, we need it daily, we need constant forgiveness, and we need to bring our burdens to God. That’s where the “Pray without ceasing” comes into play.
God answers our prayers in three ways; yes, no and wait. It’s the waiting that can be the hardest, but God’s timing is always perfect. I have found that out in the past few weeks. I have been praying, and just waiting. Waiting on God to show me beyond a shadow of a doubt where he wants me. But I know that God has big plans in store for me and my life. I want God to be able to use me, and for him to do that I have to be closer to him. I want to give Glory to God, in every aspect of my life. And through communicating with God through prayer, he shows me just how much he loves me. I will still have my questions, I will still not ever fully understand, but I will always know His love for me. I feel like I've been rambling in this post, but I hope someone was able to get something out of this and it made sense to someone. I think this video by Sidewalk Prophets says what I'm trying to get across.
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