
God's Chisel

Posted by AJ Huffman |

Have you ever given anything 100%.  We can give our all to sports, to school, to work, but what about God?  Have  you ever given him your all?  Given  Him your all, so he can chisel away all the bad and make you into the person He wants you to be?  By being in His word, and having a daily, minute by minute relationship with Him.  God wants to mold you, and make you into his image, chisel you unto you are more Christ like.  But by allowing God to do so, you will have to give up some things of this world.  Are you willing to give up what ever it takes, are you will to do what ever it takes to be more like Jesus?  Found this video and thought I'd share it with you.  It is a little long, but please take some time out of your busy day to watch it.  I hope it blesses you, like it did me.  And if you would, leave me a comment and let me know what you are thinking?

