
Operation Christmas Child

Posted by AJ Huffman |

My son will be four years old in March of next year. And being that age and being that time of year, he is excited about Christmas. Every commercial he sees on TV with any type of game or toy he let's his voice be heard. "I want that, daddy" and "Can Santa bring me that?" are just two of the different phrases that come out of his mouth.

So this year I thought it would be a wonderful idea and a great teaching tool to fill a box for Operation Christmas Child. I picked up a box from Journey Church on Sunday and on Tuesday after work, my son and I went to Dollar Tree to pick out toys and games to put in the box for as he calls him, our "Operation Christmas Child in Africa". Drew had fun picking out race cars, colors, coloring books, puzzles, stuffed animals. He even wanted to put a tooth brush and tooth paste in there. So I hope to make this a yearly thing that Drew and I do. Just our little way of helping out those in need.


Jennifer said...

That's a great tradition to start with Drew!! Go DAD!!

The Huffman's said...

That's funny! Apparently Annabelle does the same thing! Do you know if we're all getting together for Thanksgiving? We are coming down Thursday afternoon and are staying until Sunday. Will you have Drew? Blake wants to see him so bad.
